
Review my reference projects

Welcome to my portfolio! Here, you can find a selection of reference projects that I've worked on in the past. Each project showcases a different aspect of my skills and expertise. If a project has a public website, you can visit it by clicking the link provided below the description. This will give you a firsthand experience of the live project. Feel free to explore these projects to get a better understanding of my work. I'm always open to feedback and discussions about my work, so don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or comments.

Cover image for stenkilar.se old website reference

2019-12-02 - 2023-03-29

Stenkilar.se - Old website

This is the old website for Stenkilar.se. It was a basic one-page website built using vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The main focus was on SEO and having a website for reference. The website was replaced with a webshop after about three years of service.