
Review my portfolio projects!

Here you can find some of my web development projects. Projects can be open source and then there is a link to the repository on GitHub. Projects can also be deployed online and then you'll find a link to the project.

Feel free to check them out and let me know what you think!

Cover image for the portfolio project 'Nextjs.se'



I built Nextjs.se in May 2024. The website is a contact space for me as a NEXT.js developer. The website is built with Next.js and the design system Material UI. Nextjs.se is simple in its design and performs well.

Cover image for the portfolio project 'Frontendutvecklare.se'



I built Frontendutvecklare.se in May 2024. The website is a contact space for me as a frontend developer. The website is built with Next.js and Material UI. The website has a simple design and contains information about me and my services as a frontend developer.

Cover image for the portfolio project 'Aidemokraterna.se'



Aidemokraterna.se was launched in April 2024 and is a Swedish political party with only digital politicians. I built the website with Next.js and Material UI. The website has a simple design and contains information about the party and its politics.

Cover image for the portfolio project 'Webbutveckling.org'



Yes, this is the same website you are currently visiting. It has some interesting features to it so I thought it would make a good protfolio project.

This is a pure front-end project built with Next.js, Typescript and Material UI. I went with Next.js version 13 and the new App Router for the project

Cover image for the portfolio project 'Basic todo app'


Basic todo app

Simple todo app built with Typescript. The app is using local storage to store the todos and it has a simple UI with a few features. The app is deployed on GitHub pages and the source code is available on GitHub.